How much do attorneys charge for my California Workers’ Compensation SIBTF settlement?
I am considering filing a SIF or SIBTF claim on my own to save money. Is it worth hiring an attorney with an expertise in SIBTF? How do I find one and is the rate fixed/hourly or a percentage of my pension settlement?
Asked in Orange, CA | Dec 13, 2024 | 4 answers
4 Attorney Answers

Steven Allan Meline
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Santa Ana, CA
As you can deduce from the comments, it is a very technical process, even beyond the practice of most W.C. attorneys. There a a few of us right here in Santa Ana that can give you a free consultation.

Brett A. Borah
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Cupertino, CA
Most applicant attorneys in California don’t handle SIBTF claims. Why? Because they are too complicated and take too much time. You don’t know the game, the rules of the game, the tricks of the game or the players in the game. How are you thinking you can win that game? SIBTF is not a DIY project. Get a lawyer to help you. We all charge a contingency fee. Most of us are at 15-20%. You are in Orange. There is a great lawyer in Huntington Beach who handles these cases.

Gary A. Jackson
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Huntington Beach, CA
| Licensed for 31 years
SIBTF is complex. An attorney is paid only if you win and receives 15% of every check sent to you. I get checks for $15 to $30 per week. If you go it alone and lose you get nothing. It’s your call

Marc S. Wiesner
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in San Jose, CA
| Licensed for 11 years
Work comp attorneys who take SIBTF cases, in my experience as one, work on a contingency fee basis so a percentage. Is it worth it? I don’t know how to answer that in your case but if I have a client with medical records spanning a few decades, a few dozen locations, and several thousand pages, I hope they’re happy that I’m getting that material together instead of them. Not to mention scheduling appointments with doctors who know how SIBTF cases work and ensuring those doctors get records.
As far as how to find one in your area: You could call local workers’ compensation attorneys to ask if they have experience handling SIBTF cases.