Are there any Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) attorneys?
I can’t find any SIBTF attorneys in California, is there a Directory?
Asked in Los Angeles, CA | Dec 7, 2024 | 3 answers
3 Attorney Answers

Steven Allan Meline
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Santa Ana, CA
I agree with my colleagues. There are many of us local workers compensation attorneys that handle SIBTF cases.

Brett A. Borah
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Cupertino, CA
I agree with Mr. Jackson. I would estimate that less than 10% of all Applicant attorneys handle SIBTF claims. There is no central directory of us. I recommend you start with the lawyer who helped you with your WC claim. If he doesn’t handle SIBTF claims, he should know who does.

Gary A. Jackson
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Huntington Beach, CA
| Licensed for 31 years
Some workers compensation attorneys handle SIBTF cases. It’s a work comp style issue so all workers compensation attorneys should be able to handle such a case but many don’t want to. But if your looking for an SIBTF attorney your looking for a workers compensation attorney who also handles SIBTF